Email: info@rrighana.org

















Name of organization:        Rights and Responsibilities Initiatives Ghana (RRIG)

Address:                                P.O.BOX UP 658, KNUST, Kumasi

Mobile:                                  +233 (0)24453 8998

E-mail:                                   tobaka58@gmail.com/ info@rrighana.org

Website:                                 www.rrighana.org

Contact person:                    Aba Oppong

Position:                                Executive Director

Bankers:                                 Ecobank Ghana Limited and Fidelity Bank Ghana Limited

Date of Establishment:        January 2015

Registration:                         Registrar General’s Department, January 2015 and Department of Social Welfare, June 2018

1.0 Background

The Rights and Responsibilities Initiative Ghana (RRIG) is a female – led Non-Governmental Organization established in 2011 and registered in 2015. RRIG seeks to improve on the status of Girls, Women and Persons with Disability (PWD) in the society through right-based advocacy, in a spirit of equality and mutual respect to bring about social, cultural, economic, educational and moral transformation that will lead to sustainable development of the people of Ghana.Rights and Responsibilities Initiative Ghana is legally registered in Ghana as a company with the certificate of incorporation number CG143752015 on 30th January, 2015 and Department of Social Welfare registration number DSW/7449  .


2.0 Mission

To advocate for improvement of girls, women, children, persons with disabilities,youth and men in the society the areas of human rights especially on girls, women and children, public health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, quality education, good governance, prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases (STIs/STDs) including HIV and AIDS, youth empowerment etc. in the rural and urban poor communities in Ghana.

3.0 Vision

To create an enabling environment for vulnerable groups in the society through advocacy and capacity building to develop their leadership skills, and become self-reliance, employable and active to influence socio-economic policies for a sustainable development.


4.0 Objectives

  1. To advocate for the protection and promoting of Children, Girls, Young Women, Women, Boys, Men and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) rights.
  2. To enrich Children, Girls, Young Women, Women, Boys, Men and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) capacity to improve their quality of life through access to and control of resources and active participation in decision making.
  3. To promote public health services including Sexual and Reproductive Health, Comprehensive Sexuality education, Safe Motherhood, Comprehensive Abortion Care, HIV and AIDS prevention, Care and Support, Prevention and Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Prevention, Care and Management of Malaria and TB education to the general public.
  4. To provide training in employable skills for the youth and women groups in deprived communities.
  5. To build a network with other organizations at the Local, National and International levels.
  6. To co-operate with government agencies and other civil society organizations to initiate activities to develop the full potential of people.
  7. To promote good governance at all levels of leadership in Ghana.
  8. To help the members to gain a greater understanding and respect for their own traditions and those of others by engaging in programmes that reflect the principles of equality, equity, diversity, inclusion and inter dependence for sustainable development.
  9. To provide entrepreneurship training for the youth, women and men in both rural and urban communities.
  10. To educate the public on the importance of protecting the environment through a reduction in environmental degradation hence reducing climate change


5.0 Core values

  • Equal rights of all individuals to realize their potential regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sex and religion.
  • Power of collective action and community initiative.
  • Participatory decision-making approaches and processes.
  • Commitment to being a responsible Civil Society Organization [CSO] whose activities are conducted with integrity, honesty, fairness, respect and accountability.
  • Development must be carried out in an environmentally sustainable manner for the benefit of generations yet unborn.

6.0 Geographical Coverage

RRIG works in the Bosomtwe District, AtwimaMponua District, Bekwai Municipal, Obuasi Municipal, Offinso Municipal, Bosome-Freho District and Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. RRIG also work in the Central Region and the Nzema East Municipal in the Western Region of Ghana.

7.0 Target Groups

The vulnerable people in deprived and needy communities with particular attention to Children, Girls, Young Women, Women ,Boys, Men and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).

7.1 Children under five (immunization)  Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (CWIDD)

7.2 Sexual  and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) -Prevention and Support to Survivors through Gender  Transformative Approaches.

8.0 Fundraising:

Rights and Responsibilities Initiatives Ghana (RRIG) shall raise funds through donors, International and local organizations for both project implementation and administrative work.

9.0 Methodologies used 

I. Participatory learning and action

II. Community work plans

III. Micro media (community information service)

IV. Mystery clients

V. Social media




  • Operational Areas
  1. Advocacy
  2. Good Governance
  3. Human Rights especially on Children, Girls, Young Women, Women, Men and Boys
  4. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights-Safe Motherhood and Maternal Health, Adolescent  Sexual and Reproductive Health.
  5. Prevention, Care and Management of Malaria, TB and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  6. Research
  7. Mental Health
  8. Safe Transportation
  9. Awareness creation
  10. Advisory services
  11. Empowering Women for decision making in Ghana
  12. Promoting women in politics in Ghana
  13. Improving the safety  of female politicians  in Ghana
  14. Promoting women in Local Governance in Ghana


Our focus: Children, Young Women, Women, Boys and Men

  1. Promoting Girls and Young Women’s involvement and inclusiveness in leadership and decision making
  2. Promoting women’s participation in Local Governance
  3. Ending Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Abuse (thrust on girls)
  4. Promoting access to Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and decent employment opportunities for girls and young women (All children)
  5. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (thrust on girls and women of reproductive age)
  6. Promoting safe motherhood
  7. Prevention of substance abuse and the right age for social drinking (All children)


  • Governance Structure

RRIG has a defined structure that determines the chain of command and hierarchy of responsibility within the organization. This structure consists of Board of Directors and Project Management Team. The Board of Directors (BOD) is the planning and policy making body of the organization which controls and approves all the activities by the project management. The BOD is a five (5) member Board which comprise: Chairman, Secretary and 3 other members: an Educationist, a Development Consultant, a Health Professional, a Young Men’s Leader and a representative from the Civil Society Organization. The BOD was constituted in 2015. The Executive Director is the head of project management that is responsible for the implementation of the programs and daily management activities: The project management is made up of: an Executive Director, Administrative and Finance Manager and Project Officer.




11.0 Project Management

Rights and Responsibilities Initiatives Ghana has its office situated at Worakose, Bosomtwe District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana with the following project management staff:

  • Executive Director
  • Administrative and Finance Officer
  • Project Officer


12.0 Network and Coalitions

1.Local Governance Network (LOGNet)

2.Tax Justice Coalition

3.Public Financial Management (PFM) Network

4.Ghana NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child (GNCRC)

5.Girls Not Brides(GNB) Ghana partnership

6.Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC)

7.Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health

8.AfriYan Ghana

9.Network of Women’s Rights Organization (NETRIGHT)

10.Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC)

11.Child Marriage Network

12.CSOs platform on SDGs

13.Local Governance Network (LANeT), KMA

14.Alliance for Reproductive Health – Middle Zone

15.Ghana Integrity Initiative

16.Women in Law and Development (WILDAF-GHANA)

13.0 Plans Ahead

RRIG intends to design more programs to improve on the lives of the girls, women, children, youth and men for sustainable environmental friendly communities. This will be achieved through Partnership and Collaboration  and Partnerships with Inclusivity and Diversity as key pillars