Email: info@rrighana.org



The Rights and Responsibilities Initiative Ghana (RRIG) is a female – led Non-Governmental Organization established in 2011 and registered in 2015. RRIG seeks to improve on the status of Girls, Women and Persons with Disability (PWD) in the society through right-based advocacy, in a spirit of equality and mutual respect to bring about social, cultural, economic, educational and moral transformation that will lead to sustainable development of the people of Ghana. Rights and Responsibilities Initiative Ghana is legally registered in Ghana as a company with the certificate of incorporation number CG143752015 on 30th January, 2015 and Department of Social Welfare registration number DSW/7449.

We are avid campaigners and advocates for Good Governance, Gender Equality, Women and Children’s Rights. Our focal thematic areas are: Health, Education, Human Rights, effective community mobilization for positive community change, and sustainability strategy.

Our sustainability strategy include; training of Community Level Facilitators on lobbying and advocacy while promoting legal literacy regarding the subject matter and bold step dialogue.

  • Mission Statement

To advocate for improvement of girls, women, children, persons with disabilities, youth and men in the society the areas of human rights especially on girls, women and children, public health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, quality education, good governance, prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases (STIs/STDs) including HIV and AIDS, youth empowerment etc. in the rural and urban poor communities in Ghana.

  • Vision statement

To create an enabling environment for vulnerable groups in the society through advocacy and capacity building to develop their leadership skills, and become self-reliance, employable and active to influence socio-economic policies for a sustainable development.